Faxes will be routed directly to your E-mail addresses.
Get your faxes wherever you can get E-mail - at any time, at any place.
Mobile phone notification when a new Fax arrives.
Automatically CC anyone you choose on received Faxes.
Don't waste time running to the office just to pickup a fax.
Immediate Fax delivery so you can respond immediately if needed.
Secure Fax delivery. Only you can see the fax.
No lost pages during paper fax distribution.
No other agent can see the Faxed contract terms compromising the negotiations for your seller.
Email contracts, addendum and other paper work to buyers and sellers instead of faxing.
Dedicated Fax is far superior to home fax line.
No need to be home to have a Fax or PC answer Fax calls.
Don't tie up home phone line waiting on faxes.
Senders will never get a busy signal due to kids being on the phone.
You don't have to have a dedicated fax.
run out of paper and miss the fax.